Författare Ämne: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer  (läst 2300 gånger)

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SV: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer
« Svar #15 skrivet: onsdag 30, oktober 2024, 14:28:06 »
Mat idag har vi i överflöd till skillnad från förr...

I Ryssland är smörpaket den nya guldtackan.


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SV: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer
« Svar #16 skrivet: onsdag 30, oktober 2024, 18:40:43 »
Mat idag har vi i överflöd till skillnad från förr...

I Ryssland är smörpaket den nya guldtackan.



Folk har stulit saker tusentals år innan Putin kom till makten.
kanske dags att lägga ner denna Rysslandsfobi snart.

Inloggad JohanB

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SV: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer
« Svar #17 skrivet: torsdag 31, oktober 2024, 12:29:46 »

Venezuelans Turn to Gold Nuggets as the Local Currency Implodes


What is wonderfully surprising is the spontaneous emergence of a pure gold currency in a remote region of southeastern Venezuela around the towns of Tumeremo and El Callao. The region abounds with precious metal ores and has a long history of luring prospectors and miners seeking their fortunes. Today, however, many of the larger mines are controlled by the government military, which is battling local gangs and guerillas. Despite the violence and lawlessness, jobless Venezuelans from far and wide are flooding into the area to work in thriving illegal mines in exchange for payment in gold nuggets. As a result, gold flakes, which are peeled off raw nuggets with hand tools, have become the currency of choice in the region with prices for commodities and services quoted in grams of gold. Half a gold gram buys you a one-night stay in a local hotel, while a meal for two at a Chinese restaurant and a haircut will cost you a quarter of a gram and an eighth of a gram, respectively. The gold flakes are carried in people’s pockets—usually wrapped in the nearly worthless bolivar notes. While some shops are equipped with scales to weigh the gold flakes, most sellers and their customers have become so familiar with the flakes that they evaluate them by sight. For example, the barber and his customer who transacted for the haircut agreed that three gold flakes equaled the one-eighth gram price (approximately $5.00). Gold is also starting to penetrate the nearby cities, such as the regional capital Ciudad Bolivar, as stores in shopping malls gladly accept the gold in exchange for dollars from miners who are seeking to cash out.

Utloggad laban77

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SV: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer
« Svar #18 skrivet: torsdag 31, oktober 2024, 15:32:01 »
Man undrar hur de kan lita på varandra i en sån situation. Hur vet barberaren att guldflagorna verkligen är guld? Kanske väljer man att lita på äktheten för att det inte finns något bra alternativ. Alternativet är no business, no income.

Inloggad sff123

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SV: MSB, Broschyren Om krisen eller kriget kommer
« Svar #19 skrivet: torsdag 31, oktober 2024, 16:13:16 »

Venezuelans Turn to Gold Nuggets as the Local Currency Implodes


What is wonderfully surprising is the spontaneous emergence of a pure gold currency in a remote region of southeastern Venezuela around the towns of Tumeremo and El Callao. The region abounds with precious metal ores and has a long history of luring prospectors and miners seeking their fortunes. Today, however, many of the larger mines are controlled by the government military, which is battling local gangs and guerillas. Despite the violence and lawlessness, jobless Venezuelans from far and wide are flooding into the area to work in thriving illegal mines in exchange for payment in gold nuggets. As a result, gold flakes, which are peeled off raw nuggets with hand tools, have become the currency of choice in the region with prices for commodities and services quoted in grams of gold. Half a gold gram buys you a one-night stay in a local hotel, while a meal for two at a Chinese restaurant and a haircut will cost you a quarter of a gram and an eighth of a gram, respectively. The gold flakes are carried in people’s pockets—usually wrapped in the nearly worthless bolivar notes. While some shops are equipped with scales to weigh the gold flakes, most sellers and their customers have become so familiar with the flakes that they evaluate them by sight. For example, the barber and his customer who transacted for the haircut agreed that three gold flakes equaled the one-eighth gram price (approximately $5.00). Gold is also starting to penetrate the nearby cities, such as the regional capital Ciudad Bolivar, as stores in shopping malls gladly accept the gold in exchange for dollars from miners who are seeking to cash out.

Ekonomer är livrädda att ens uttala namnet på detta land än mindre öht inkludera det,
i ett ekonomiskt resonemang anledningarna till detta är många  ;)

Skulle man mot förmodan fastna i en sådan diskussion gud förbjude,
är utgången ofta att man blir doppad i tjära och rullad i fjädrar ::)


Guld & Silverpriser

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